A Scary Incident of a $21.5 Million Successful CEO Phishing Fraud
Phishing is a scam usually executed via email or text messaging. The perpetrator usually poses as someone you know and they induce you to send them money. The incident explained below could also be called spear phishing or whaling, in [...]
Will Patching Break My Network?
IT organizations understand the importance of applying current security updates, or "patches", to the operating systems and software applications running in their environment. However, many are reluctant to do so for fear of "breaking" their systems and causing outages. And, [...]
Why Don’t IT Departments Fully Patch Their Environments?
The failure to fully apply security updates (patches) to operating systems and software applications is the leading cause of cybersecurity compromise. A recent survey by Ponemon Institute of over 3,000 organizations, found that half had experienced a cybersecurity breach in [...]
Alvaka Networks Speed and Feed Driving Events
Periodically, Alvaka Networks sponsors a car driving event for clients. This type of event is often referred to as an HPDE, or High Performance Driving Event. At this event, guests participate in both classroom and on race track driving instruction. [...]
To patch or not to patch? And what is patching anyway?
If you own a computer, it is very likely you know something about patching, or updating, software. First, this is different from upgrading, which usually means a developer of software has added new features or made significant changes to the [...]
Network Monitoring Operational Maturity Growth
I just read a press release about a new product, NetBeez, which performs active network monitoring from the user perspective. I suppose it has a narrow fit, but it seems to me that most modern day monitoring applications should be [...]