Alvaka's Blog

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Alvaka Blog2021-01-26T12:20:56-08:00
1705, 2019

Phishing for Your Destruction

May 17th, 2019|Categories: Alvaka Blog|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Phishing for Your Destruction

A Timely Warning About Fake Communications and Persuasion Methods As many of us have experienced, there are people in the world who want to steal from us, our company or employer. In some cases, they want to pretend to [...]

2604, 2019

Antidotes to Physicians’​ IT Headaches

April 26th, 2019|Categories: Alvaka Blog|Comments Off on Antidotes to Physicians’​ IT Headaches

Blog written by Mimi Grant of ABL Organization. Originally published on April 3, 2019. Mimi discusses three common IT problems that physicians face and how to deal with them, including insights on ransomware attacks by Alvaka's CEO, Oli Thordarson. While [...]

603, 2019

Software Patch Management is Geographically Undesirable

March 6th, 2019|Categories: Alvaka Blog|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Software Patch Management is Geographically Undesirable

Many organizations continue to find themselves between a rock and hard-place when it comes to consistently applying security updates or “patches” across their environments. On one hand, they recognize their unpatched software exposes them to risk of a disruptive and [...]

1102, 2019

Challenges of Industrial Control System Cybersecurity

February 11th, 2019|Categories: Alvaka Blog, Articles|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Challenges of Industrial Control System Cybersecurity

Today, industrial control system cybersecurity is mainly focused on securing networks, and efforts generally ignore process control equipment that is critical for plant safety and reliability, which leaves it woefully vulnerable. As the number and severity of attacks on our [...]

602, 2019

Ransomware v2.0 Recovery – Now, encrypted or deleted backups!

February 6th, 2019|Categories: Alvaka Blog, Ransomware|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Ransomware v2.0 Recovery – Now, encrypted or deleted backups!

Warning!!! We have entered a new, even more malicious, era for ransomware that is hitting mid-market companies particularly hard, with deleted or encrypted backups. The two stories I share below are chilling… For the last five years or so, ransomware [...]

301, 2019

Moody’s Cyber-Risk Ratings & Impact for Enterprises

January 3rd, 2019|Categories: Alvaka Blog|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Moody’s Cyber-Risk Ratings & Impact for Enterprises

Written by Kevin McDonald, COO and CISO of Alvaka Networks. Originally published December 2018 on TechTarget. Kevin explores what Moody's new cyber-risk ratings could mean for enterprises and the infosec industry. Having access to credit is critical for any healthy company, [...]