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1609, 2010

Alvaka talks with Tech Target About The Google Scandal, reliability engineer (SRE) David Barksdale

September 16th, 2010|Categories: Alvaka Blog|Comments Off on Alvaka talks with Tech Target About The Google Scandal, reliability engineer (SRE) David Barksdale

An email snooping scandal at Google has prompted fierce criticism and has worried some enterprise users of its Google Apps service into silence. Google says it takes great pains to reassure customers that it has proper controls over sensitive email data.

1908, 2010

Orange County Sheriff Announces Launch Of Community Technology Council. Alvaka EVP to Chair

August 19th, 2010|Categories: Alvaka Blog|Comments Off on Orange County Sheriff Announces Launch Of Community Technology Council. Alvaka EVP to Chair

Sheriff Sandra Hutchens has formed a volunteer group of the community’s top technology experts for the purpose of providing advice and consultation to the Department.  The Community Technology Advisory Council (CTAC) will assist in defining the future of technology within the department and identifying areas where improvement and efficiencies can be found. The CTAC is 100% independent and focused on technology and best practices that can improve efficiency and the department’s return on tax dollars invested while maintaining the overall security and reliability of the Systems. 

204, 2010

HIPAA, HITECH and the challenges of a ‘business associate’. A podcast interview with Alvaka EVP and Director of Compliance Practices, Kevin McDonald

April 2nd, 2010|Categories: Alvaka Blog|Comments Off on HIPAA, HITECH and the challenges of a ‘business associate’. A podcast interview with Alvaka EVP and Director of Compliance Practices, Kevin McDonald

If you're working with a covered entity's customers on HIPAA security compliance, you are considered a "business associate" under the  HITECH Act.