Who’s to Blame for IOT Cybersecurity Challenges?

Originally published on TechTarget Security. Alvaka’s COO and CISO—Kevin McDonald—talks about IOT cybersecurity challenges and the debate of accountability for the poor manufacturing, implementation and management. IoT technologies offer a plethora of benefits and opportunities that are just beginning to [...]

Who’s to Blame for IOT Cybersecurity Challenges?2021-01-28T13:43:19-08:00

Are One in Three Breaches Really Caused by Unpatched Vulnerabilities?

Oli Thordarson, CEO of Alvaka Networks, begs to differ... This is an interesting article I read in ZDnet, Cybersecurity: One in three breaches are caused by unpatched vulnerabilities, about software vulnerability patching. I found it interesting because I took [...]

Are One in Three Breaches Really Caused by Unpatched Vulnerabilities?2021-09-09T23:16:16-07:00

Who’s to Blame for Ransomware Attacks?

Originally published on TechTarget. Alvaka’s COO and CISO—Kevin McDonald—discusses that, although cyber attackers are the main culprits for ransomware attacks, the companies that release flawed software or those who don’t install patches are not off the hook. In early May, [...]

Who’s to Blame for Ransomware Attacks?2021-01-28T13:48:46-08:00

How Intelligence Data Leaks Has Damaged Infosec

Originally published on June 19, 2017 on TechTarget. Alvaka’s COO and CISO, Kevin McDonald, examines the real-world damage caused by CIA and NSA data leaks, putting dangerous government cyberweapons in the hands of hackers. WikiLeaks' CIA data dump shook a [...]

How Intelligence Data Leaks Has Damaged Infosec2021-01-28T20:38:44-08:00

The Importance of Third-Party Software Patching

And Why Executives Should Care... Threats to network security seem to get announced weekly. Global ransomware attacks like WannaCry cause havoc around the world and billions of dollars in losses. Businesses are actually shuttering due to network attacks that [...]

The Importance of Third-Party Software Patching2021-01-27T21:17:55-08:00

DFARS 252.204-7012: Aerojet Rockets to a Courtroom Sting

I was stunned to learn that Aerojet, a division of Rocketdyne, set legal precedent three weeks ago in the Federal District Court for the Eastern District of California. The heart of the matter is an allegation that Aerojet made false [...]

DFARS 252.204-7012: Aerojet Rockets to a Courtroom Sting2021-01-28T16:03:51-08:00

Finding an MSP to Protect Yourself from Outsourcing IT Risks

Article originally posted on TechTarget. Alvaka's COO and CISO, Kevin McDonald, discusses the type of questions you should ask MSPs to ensure they have the correct security systems in place in order to protect your organization against outsourcing IT risks. [...]

Finding an MSP to Protect Yourself from Outsourcing IT Risks2021-05-04T03:06:26-07:00

Phishing for Your Destruction

A Timely Warning About Fake Communications and Persuasion Methods As many of us have experienced, there are people in the world who want to steal from us, our company or employer. In some cases, they want to pretend to [...]

Phishing for Your Destruction2021-06-28T10:06:16-07:00

Antidotes to Physicians’​ IT Headaches

Blog written by Mimi Grant of ABL Organization. Originally published on April 3, 2019. Mimi discusses three common IT problems that physicians face and how to deal with them, including insights on ransomware attacks by Alvaka's CEO, Oli Thordarson. While [...]

Antidotes to Physicians’​ IT Headaches2020-03-27T17:03:23-07:00

Software Patch Management is Geographically Undesirable

Many organizations continue to find themselves between a rock and hard-place when it comes to consistently applying security updates or “patches” across their environments. On one hand, they recognize their unpatched software exposes them to risk of a disruptive and [...]

Software Patch Management is Geographically Undesirable2020-03-27T17:06:52-07:00