Don’t Confuse Disaster Recovery With Business Continuity

In consulting with so many clients, there are some things that just seem to be universal. One of those nearly universal truths, is the tendency for clients to mix and match or use the terms, Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity interchangeably. While these two terms define activities that often parallel each other, they are in fact very different concepts. The confusion or mixing of the terms can lead to clients being misled, or even left at significant risk, due to improper planning.

Don’t Confuse Disaster Recovery With Business Continuity2020-04-08T23:31:59-07:00

What They Didn’t Tell You About HITECH

Many were excited by the passing of Title XIII of ARRA, also known as the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH Act). It was billed as providing up to $22 billion dollars for taxpayer money to, "advance the use of health information technology." What was not so well trumpeted during all of the excitement, were the massive increases in enforcement, penalties, the changing of the HIPAA enforcement responsibility from CMS to the Office of Civil Right and the extension of the HIPAA Rules to business associates of covered entities.

What They Didn’t Tell You About HITECH2020-04-08T23:33:21-07:00

Save On Taxes With An Important Bonus Depreciation Opportunity In 2010

50% Bonus Depreciation in 2010 May Be A Great Deal For Your Business

Here is some important news for your budget planners, controllers, CFOs, CEOs, presidents and anyone else in charge of tax strategy at your firm. This information is provided to keep you abreast of changes in tax law and stimulus legislation that may impact your asset buying decisions. I suggest you talk to your tax advisor about how you can best take advantage of this legislation. You only have until 12/31/2010 to act.

Here is my understanding of what was signed today:

Save On Taxes With An Important Bonus Depreciation Opportunity In 20102020-04-08T23:34:04-07:00

Smart IT Tool Management Strategies

Today, I am doing a webinar for Ziff Davis and IBM. The subject is Smart IT Tool Management Strategies. As I was preparing the slides, I got to reflect on the evolution of network and server monitoring technologies over the past two decades. It has gone from very basic server and OS monitoring, over dial up lines that report to really simple text based consoles, to very sophisticated application and transaction monitoring that reports to complex graphical consoles.

Smart IT Tool Management Strategies2020-01-06T20:36:42-08:00

Orange County Sheriff Announces Launch Of Community Technology Council. Alvaka EVP to Chair

Sheriff Sandra Hutchens has formed a volunteer group of the community’s top technology experts for the purpose of providing advice and consultation to the Department.  The Community Technology Advisory Council (CTAC) will assist in defining the future of technology within the department and identifying areas where improvement and efficiencies can be found. The CTAC is 100% independent and focused on technology and best practices that can improve efficiency and the department’s return on tax dollars invested while maintaining the overall security and reliability of the Systems. 

Orange County Sheriff Announces Launch Of Community Technology Council. Alvaka EVP to Chair2020-04-08T23:36:26-07:00