MSPmentor Live webcast of 2010

 Our first MSPmentor Live webcast of 2010 is scheduled for January 20. Our guest speakers — representing three top managed service providers and Nimsoft — will cover key questions for growth-oriented small, midsize and large MSPs. Here’s a closer look at the webcast.

MSPmentor Live webcast of 20102020-04-08T23:37:53-07:00

IT Services Hiring a Bright Spot in Jobs Report

While companies in general continue to limit their hiring internally, the Department of Labor report shows that they are turning to outside contractors, solution providers and MSPs for their technology needs.

IT Services Hiring a Bright Spot in Jobs Report2020-04-08T23:39:00-07:00

Top five IT channel lessons for the quarter

Barbara Darrow, channel advisory board, Google, IT channel products and technologies, Microsoft, Oracle, public cloud, Sun VARs remain extremely cautious on public cloud computing and are obsessed with which vendor giants will remain standing after more expected M&A activity.

Top five IT channel lessons for the quarter2018-05-07T08:48:50-07:00

Maintaining your customers’ security amid layoffs

The down economy means many of your customer companies are going to go through layoffs. Kevin McDonald explains why and how to maintain your customers' security amid layoffs, and what the consequences are if you do not.

Maintaining your customers’ security amid layoffs2024-03-14T00:25:26-07:00

Have You Heard the Word About ‘Sexting?’

“Sexting” is a term used to describe the act of sharing or receiving sexually explicit nude or partially nude photographs by teens through the use of mobile phones. It has been occurring since cameras and picture messaging became part of the mobile phone experience. Adult awareness, sheer market ubiquity and some very public cases have brought this issue to the top of the public mind. Albeit disturbing to many, it is a “sexy” topic that cannot be avoided. So, why is sexting a big deal? 

Have You Heard the Word About ‘Sexting?’2020-04-08T23:40:50-07:00

How can the stimulus package benefit solution providers?

The recently passed economic stimulus package is a bit of a mystery to many people, including solution providers. In this edition of Patrolling the Channel, Oli Thordarson, CEO of Alvaka Networks, and Tim Jemal, CEO of Jemal Public Affairs, break down the stimulus package and discuss how it will affect solution provider businesses.

How can the stimulus package benefit solution providers?2020-03-02T20:13:10-08:00

She’s Online, Digging Up Your Dirt

Imagine you've met an amazing woman. You enthusiastically exchange info with her, but when you call a few days later, she doesn't pick up or call you back. What happened? She probably did what every modern woman does: She googled you. Thanks to debauched Flickr photos, a boneheaded blog remark, or racy posts on your Facebook wall, she's concluded that you're a cad.

She’s Online, Digging Up Your Dirt2017-06-29T20:44:02-07:00