Six of the Most Dreaded IT Projects

Written by Dan Tynan (Writer, Editor, and Consultant). Originally posted on on June 25, 2018. Alvaka Networks CEO, Oli Thordarson, and CTO, Unnar Gardarsson, contribute to this discussion on what projects IT professionals dread the most. The projects that most IT [...]

Six of the Most Dreaded IT Projects2024-03-14T00:11:19-07:00

The Questions to Ask When Hiring an IT Security Consultant

by Jessica Thiefels, VP of Community Management for PolySwarm. Learn what questions to ask when hiring an IT security consultant, including insight from Alvaka Networks CEO, Oli Thordarson. If you can’t afford an in-house IT security team, you have to look [...]

The Questions to Ask When Hiring an IT Security Consultant2018-06-29T15:22:40-07:00

Beware the ‘thought police:’ The dangers of human and AI integration

Kevin McDonald discusses AI integration and possible negative consequences. Humans have always strived to become smarter, faster and more creative through the use of tools. Starting with the basic calculator and advancing to the amazing computing devices we use today, [...]

Beware the ‘thought police:’ The dangers of human and AI integration2020-05-18T15:04:32-07:00

Imran Awan case shows lax security controls for Congressional IT staff

By Kevin McDonald Investigations into the conduct of the IT staff of the House of Representatives raised alarms. Kevin McDonald explains what we can learn from the case of Imran Awan. Those who operate with high-level system access, [...]

Imran Awan case shows lax security controls for Congressional IT staff2020-05-18T15:07:45-07:00

Private sector’s national cybersecurity strategy contributions lacking

By Kevin McDonald The U.S. government has been very public about its concern for national cybersecurity. There have been grandiose speeches, presidential declarations and several attempts by the legislature to pass new cybersecurity laws. Private companies should be responsible for [...]

Private sector’s national cybersecurity strategy contributions lacking2020-05-27T16:41:09-07:00

How information technology advisory groups can benefit organizations

By Kevin McDonald In today's cyber environment, many public safety organizations struggle to advance their technology and maintain security. Many departments would love to seek out efficiencies through advanced, cost-saving technology. They know they must improve their cybersecurity and operating efficiency. [...]

How information technology advisory groups can benefit organizations2020-05-27T17:04:15-07:00

CRN’s story on the CIA Wikileaks leak

Partners Say Alleged CIA Hacking Papers Prompt 'Constant Vigilance' In Mobile Security In its news release on the so-called "Vault 7" documents, WikiLeaks describes a specialty CIA unit that develops malware to "infest, control and exfiltrate data" from iPhones as [...]

CRN’s story on the CIA Wikileaks leak2020-04-08T23:06:51-07:00

DFARS 252.204-7012 is going to define new winners and losers in defense contracting

Kevin McDonald has just published his latest article of DFARS (Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations Supplement) at If you fall into this category, a recently implemented rule from the Department of Defense called the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) [...]

DFARS 252.204-7012 is going to define new winners and losers in defense contracting2020-04-08T23:08:28-07:00

Aligning IT and compliance procedures increasingly a business priority

Kevin McDonald writes for TechTarget SearchCompliance on Aligning IT and compliance procedures increasingly a business priority. He says, "When I've asked IT pros about HIPAA Security Rule compliance within their organization, they've typically responded with, "That is the compliance officer's realm" [...]

Aligning IT and compliance procedures increasingly a business priority2020-04-08T23:10:49-07:00

IT solution providers speak out on the Silicon Valley/Trump Summit meeting

Irvine, CA - IT solution providers have never been a shy bunch. In this article by CRN - Solution Providers Cheer Trump Tech Summit, Hoping It Will Help Channel Partners Create More Jobs, many share their thoughts on where our president-elect [...]

IT solution providers speak out on the Silicon Valley/Trump Summit meeting2020-04-08T23:12:30-07:00