Best Practices for Communicating with Stakeholders During a Ransomware Attack

The Importance of Effective Communication in Crisis Management Communicating during a ransomware attack is not merely about conveying information but about effectively managing the crisis. In times of such technological adversity, the ability of our team at Alvaka to maintain [...]

Best Practices for Communicating with Stakeholders During a Ransomware Attack2024-11-27T12:27:43-08:00

Assessing the Impact of a Ransomware Attack

Understanding the Devastation: A Look Into Ransomware Attacks Ransomware impact assessment begins with a fundamental comprehension of the threat landscape. Ransomware operates by encrypting valuable data, holding it hostage until a ransom is paid, often crippling businesses and their operations. [...]

Assessing the Impact of a Ransomware Attack2024-11-01T14:52:27-07:00

Planning for Data Breach Recovery

Understanding the Gravity of Data Breaches Data breach recovery planning is an essential facet of modern business strategy, pertaining to the stark reality that data breaches are not confined to the digital periphery but are at the forefront of business [...]

Planning for Data Breach Recovery2024-09-17T11:53:55-07:00

How to Control Damage After a Cyber Breach

Understanding the Impact of Cyber Breaches In the era of digital transformations, the story of a high-profile cyber breach is a chilling reminder of the fragility of cyber infrastructures. Consider the case when a leading corporation fell victim to a [...]

How to Control Damage After a Cyber Breach2024-09-06T11:25:15-07:00

Crafting Your Ransomware Response Strategy for Home Networks

Understanding Ransomware and Its Impact on Home Networks In today's interconnected world, ransomware has emerged as a formidable threat to the sanctity of our personal digital domains. Defined as malicious software designed to block access to a computer system or [...]

Crafting Your Ransomware Response Strategy for Home Networks2024-08-26T01:09:38-07:00

Steps for an Effective Cybersecurity Incident Response Plan

Written by Kevin McDonald, COO and CISO of Alvaka Networks. Originally published January 2016 on TechTarget. Kevin discusses steps to help you prepare a cybersecurity incident response. When your system is compromised, you generally have one chance to get the response [...]

Steps for an Effective Cybersecurity Incident Response Plan2021-06-23T12:37:20-07:00

How Can An IT Security Breach Cost Me My Job? The Sony Pictures Case

I don’t normally give a moments notice to stuff that goes on in Hollywood, but the story “Future of Sony's Amy Pascal questioned after hacked email revelations” caught my attention because of the cyber security aspect involved.  So often I hear executives say something similar to “I don’t worry about our security because we don’t have anything anyone would want to hack into.”

That complacent assessment is wrong as most everyone knows since today nearly all hacking/security breach incidents are the result of indiscriminate malware that scans the Internet searching for vulnerable systems.  When that malware finds a vulnerable system most of them run automated code that looks for passwords, bank account information, encrypts data for ransom, etc.

In this particular case a ton of data was stolen and released.  The implication for Sony Pictures Co-Chairman is that her personal e-mails were....

How Can An IT Security Breach Cost Me My Job? The Sony Pictures Case2024-03-14T00:18:56-07:00

Electronic health records ripe for theft

The only difference in healthcare is that the large breaches have not gotten the sensational, but appropriate coverage credit card breaches have gotten.

Three other interesting quotes:

1.      As health data becomes increasingly digital and the use of electronic health records booms, thieves see patient records in a vulnerable health care system as attractive bait, according to experts interviewed by POLITICO. On the black market, a full identity profile contained in a single record can bring as much as $500.

2.      “Criminal elements will go where the money is,” said Wah, who was the first 

Electronic health records ripe for theft2014-07-15T01:03:09-07:00

HIPAA consulting and the channel’s ethical responsibility

Kevin is a featured writer for TechTarget.  Here is is latest column: _________________________________________________________ A few months ago, I wrote an article about the practice of non-attorneys consulting on HIPAA business associate agreements. After talking with scores of people about the [...]

HIPAA consulting and the channel’s ethical responsibility2020-06-09T23:54:19-07:00