Alvaka Networks is growing and moving into larger new Irvine offices

Irvine, CA - We are not going too far. We are only moving about two miles. We are now adjacent to the overflow/long-term parking for the John Wayne/SNA Airport. We are at the corner of Main Street and Redhill at 2 Executive Circle in Irvine.

Everyone at Alvaka is really excited to be moving into our new larger headquarters. Here are a few pictures of the new space after demolition and before the new construction starts. These photos show some of the painting that just started.

T minus 7 days to moving-in.  Click Here for the Pictures

Alvaka Networks is growing and moving into new Irvine offices - T minus 6 days

Alvaka Networks is growing and moving into new Irvine offices - T minus 5 days

Alvaka Networks is growing and moving into new Irvine offices - T minus 4 days

Alvaka Networks is growing - T minus 3 days to moving-in

Alvaka Networks is growing - T minus 2 days

Alvaka Networks is growing and moving into larger new Irvine offices2019-09-05T21:52:15-07:00

I Am a Non-Technical Executive: What Seven Things Should I Be Asking My IT Guys About IT Security?

Irvine, CA - Overseeing IT and security is a daunting task, even if you are an IT professional. If you are an executive to whom IT reports, then the task becomes near impossible. The list of following questions is designed to empower you to have a meaningful discussion with your IT team so you can be an informed and responsible manager pursuing your due diligence role in protecting the assets of your firm. If you are an IT professional, these are questions you should be prepared to answer.

1.       Q. When did we last do a risk assessment? Please share that document with me. I would particularly like to see the Risk Assessment Table.

A.      Make sure your IT team is periodically assessing the risks to your IT systems.  They should be recommending upgrades and new solutions for you from time-to-time, and you should be listening.  They need to be able to express the threat in operational and economic terms in order to justify the expenditure.  If your team can’t give you a clear and coherent answer on when and how they last did this, send them off with a task and a deadline.

2.       Q. When did we last do a Vulnerability Scan? What were the results of that scan? I would like to see the report.  Who did the remediation? When is our next scan planned?...

I Am a Non-Technical Executive: What Seven Things Should I Be Asking My IT Guys About IT Security?2021-01-28T18:23:01-08:00

Why are Patch Management and Change Management Important?

Alvaka Networks has arguably the best and most sophisticated patch management process in the Orange County, Los Angeles County and possibly the US.  Not many firms can deploy vast quantities of patches to valuable high availability servers and PCs with smoke testing qualify control while following the sun globally during selected narrow service windows.

Change Management
Change management is vital to every stage of the patch management process. As with all system modifications, patches and updates must be performed and tracked through the change management system. It is highly unlikely that an enterprise-scale patch management program can be successful without proper integration with the change management system and organization.

Like any environmental changes, patch application plans submitted through change management must have associated contingency and backout plans. What are the recovery plans if something goes wrong during or as a result of the application of a patch or update? Also, information on risk mitigation should be included in the change management solution. For example, how are desktop patches going to be phased and scheduled to prevent mass outages and support desk overload? Monitoring and acceptance plans should also be included in the change management process. How will updates be certified as successful? There should be specific milestones and acceptance criteria to guide the verification of the patches' success and to allow for the closure of the update in the change management system....

Why are Patch Management and Change Management Important?2021-01-27T21:42:49-08:00

Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas a Happy New Year to All of You

Thank you so much for all your support in 2014.  We are already planning for 2015.  Many of you may have already gotten calls from me as I contact you to get feedback on a set of 10 questions I [...]

Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas a Happy New Year to All of You2014-12-23T23:04:11-08:00

Bonus Depreciation Was Just Raised to $500,000 for 2014

We wrote to you three weeks ago to remind you of your $25,000 for tax deduction and bonus depreciation on certain IT and other assets.  We have a news flash, the senate just passed a bill to raise that accelerated [...]

Bonus Depreciation Was Just Raised to $500,000 for 20142023-08-11T01:46:09-07:00

What nineteen audiences in twelve months taught me?

Navigating Fear in the Security and Compliance World

In advancing technology it is fear of having a project go sideways, over budget or fail to accomplish the stated objective that has many frozen. What if that technology we recommend doesn’t work as we hope? What if it is something required by law (such as encryption in healthcare) that we fear an unknown outcome so much that we won’t act? What if we miss a key component of a project or underestimate the effort required and the entire project goes over our budget?

What nineteen audiences in twelve months taught me?2014-12-17T23:02:14-08:00

Senate Passes Retroactive Tax Relief Under Section 179

This is one time you may want to make a quick call to your accountant, then order up some of those infrastructure items you are putting off. A bill known as “tax extenders” if signed by the president will reinstate Section 179 tax [...]

Senate Passes Retroactive Tax Relief Under Section 1792023-08-11T01:47:43-07:00

How Can An IT Security Breach Cost Me My Job? The Sony Pictures Case

I don’t normally give a moments notice to stuff that goes on in Hollywood, but the story “Future of Sony's Amy Pascal questioned after hacked email revelations” caught my attention because of the cyber security aspect involved.  So often I hear executives say something similar to “I don’t worry about our security because we don’t have anything anyone would want to hack into.”

That complacent assessment is wrong as most everyone knows since today nearly all hacking/security breach incidents are the result of indiscriminate malware that scans the Internet searching for vulnerable systems.  When that malware finds a vulnerable system most of them run automated code that looks for passwords, bank account information, encrypts data for ransom, etc.

In this particular case a ton of data was stolen and released.  The implication for Sony Pictures Co-Chairman is that her personal e-mails were....

How Can An IT Security Breach Cost Me My Job? The Sony Pictures Case2024-03-14T00:18:56-07:00