Don’t Take Your Privacy for Granted – 13,000 Requests for User Data

I am again reading another story about the NSA.  This one is from ZDNet titled, Yahoo Reveals US Government Made 13,000 Requests for User Data. I am finding myself struggling with a solid opinion on the controversy over the NSA [...]

Don’t Take Your Privacy for Granted – 13,000 Requests for User Data2023-08-10T23:41:41-07:00

Obama Admin Releases Massive New HIPAA Rules

So, as if healthcare practitioners didn’t already have enough to focus on with Obamacare, HITECH and the Flu epidemic, the Obama administration through the Department of Health and Human Services, has released a massive pile of new regulations in a [...]

Obama Admin Releases Massive New HIPAA Rules2013-01-18T21:52:02-08:00

Who Is Guilty In A Hack? The Perpetrator Or The Victim?

This article is interesting not because the hacker is convicted, but because of the reader comments at the end. The first post defends the hacker and blames AT&T for their system not being secure enough and allowing a breach. The next poster says that is akin to blaming a bank if they are robbed because their doors are not secure enough. Another poster points out that both are to blame.

Who Is Guilty In A Hack? The Perpetrator Or The Victim?2012-11-22T05:02:00-08:00